Date duration calculator

How many days between two dates?
Date 1
Date 2
Calculation options:  
Link to the result:
  Saved results  

Why use the day calculator
In the process, the accountant often has to calculate how many days or hours have passed between the two specified dates. This is necessary in order to determine the period of delay in the payment of penalties for taxes and insurance premiums. In addition, this will help you find out how much time is left before the submission of reports. Other examples can be given: determining the billing period for calculating vacation pay, calculating the penalty for violating the terms of the contract, and so on.

Data from previous years cannot be used. The number of working days and hours depends on the production calendar, and it changes every year. Therefore, all calculations must be done again.

How to use the days calculator
In the "Start date" field, select a day, month, and year
In the End date field, select a day, month, and year
Enter a value in the "Working hours per day" field (the default value is always 8)
In a split second, get the online result displayed on the banner on the right side of the screen: the number of calendar and working days, as well as working hours between the specified dates.
The vast majority of people and organizations work a 40-hour work week. For them, the number of working hours per day is 8. But for some categories of employees (for example, for disabled people of groups I and II, people under 18 years of age, etc.) the law provides for a reduced working week. Some employees may also work part-time, such as 3 hours a day or 2 days a week. The individual schedule must be fixed in the employment contract.